

When Li On was 18 years old, he came to Europe with his craft from Hong Kong . He has worked in this industry for nearly 50 years. He were the chief chef of two biggest Chinese restaurants in Stockholm at the same time when he was 40. Many Chinese chefs in Sweden are his apprentices. Its status is recognized and trusted by everyone in the Chinese food and beverage industry in Sweden. Hongkist, is the place he put all his effort now.

The decoration of Hongkist is different from the traditional Chinese restaurant. We use the loft style to create a cozy and modern environment with delicious food. It attracts different age groups and classes. It also provides a way for guests to have a good time with their friends. Whenever we heard from our guests from all over the world said our food taste exactly the same in Hong Kong, it is the driving force of the Li On’s team.

We recommend our customer e-mail/call us to make a reservation due to limited seats.

E-mail: bookings@hongkist.com

Tel: 08 660 69 29



Hongkist有別於一般中餐的傳統裝修,我們使用了型格的工業風(Loft style),吸引了不同年紀和階層的客人,為他們帶來美味的食物外,還提供了一個讓客人跟三五知己,輕鬆吃飯,小酌幾杯的好地方。每當聽到從世界各地來的客人對我們說,在這裡吃到的味道,跟他們在香港吃到的是一模一樣,就是李安團隊努力下去的動力。


電郵: bookings@hongkist.com

電話: 08 660 69 29